Being a fifth generation Innkeeper, I come from a long line of home baking matriarchs - women that utilized homemaking and baking for gains in an era when women were scarce in professional kitchens. Like Bubbe (my mother's grandmother), Grandma Lil, and Mom - baking, and a persistent sweet tooth, are in the DNA. When my son, Austin, showed signs of interest I made room for him to start experimenting. He started with box mixes for brownies and cookies; eventually moving up the ranks to scratch recipes, and from there adaptation. I stood by and watched with proud adoration as he chose to add chocolate chips to a batch of P'nut Butter Cookies! He says, "Baking makes me happy. When I'm in a funk, it turns my mood around." While he was at sleep-away camp this summer he producded an article for the camp newletter entitled: "Making a S'more", and reported that "it was a hit! Everyone knew me as that-marshmallow-guy!" Now, that's how to make a Jewish mother
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